Five Pearl Rings

God is great and greatly to be praised. He is the great I Am, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace! Who is like our God? NONE! Our Heavenly Father becomes all things to us, as we surrender all of ourselves to Him. C.S. Lewis once wrote, "God gives the gifts where He finds the vessel empty enough to receive them." There is provision in His many names. As we trust and rely on Jehovah God and the provisions He offers through His Holy Word, something breaks in the spiritual realm. Virtue flows from our Lord God Jehovah touching our point of need and bringing a spiritual transformation.

The new I Am Who I Am Prayer CD that has recently been completed gives insight into these truths. It is anointed words spoken for healing and deliverance over instrumental worship. And it has taken me by surprise. I have been overwhelmed by the testimonies that are coming from those who have listened to the CD.

On December 18, 2001 it was prophesied that I would record a prayer CD. I became busy with the ministry and the CD was put on the self. One year later, I started seeing the CD in my spirit again. Then the Lord gave me this dream:
I had a vault at my bank and so did my father. My father didn't want to pay the money anymore to keep his vault. So he gave me these five pearl rings to put in my vault. These five rings were all different sizes, and each bore a different shaped pearl, but all equaled in beauty and in splendor.
Right after I received the dream, the Lord started to deal with me again about making the prayer CD. At the time I didn't see the connection of the five pearl rings to the CD. But right after I received this dream, more than ever I started seeing in my spirit-man the CD. I would wake up and I would see it. I would go to sleep and I would see it. Then I started to worry. I wondered how much will it cost and who will record it? Who was going to be the keyboard player and what kind of music do we use? I had all these concerns. But when I shoved all these concerns on the side and looked to my Heavenly Father, all of a sudden God started opening the doors. Someone sent me one of their CDs they had done. After I inquired who produced the CD, they offered to connect me with the producer. Then the money started to come in. When I moved in faith---God moved. When I surrendered it (the thought) to the Lord and started stepping out in faith---everything fell into place.

The Lord has recently given the interpretation of the dream about the five pearl rings. The rings stand for the revelation of the Five-fold ministry. Five is the number of grace, and five stands for the Five-fold ministry. The pearls represent the Pearl of Great Price. The rings were various sizes with different shaped pearls, but no ring was greater than the other. Just as in the Five-fold ministry no office is greater than the other, but each has a different function in the body of Christ. I believe those who hold an office in the Five-fold come shoulder to shoulder in advancing the Kingdom of God. Some teach that the apostle is the greatest, but the apostle is the one who is sent to work in the trenches. The different size rings stand for different seasons and times. Each stand for a different unction for a particular time and season God has and will call me to minister, as if clothing me with different, distinct mantels for each unique time and place. In the dream, the five pearl rings were put in my bank vault. This parallels the supernatural in

that God has placed in the vault of my spirit-man the five pearl rings, which I believe stand for the Five-Fold ministry and the Pearl Of Great Price (the Kingdom of God).
I have walked in the office of pastor for nearly 15 years as an associate pastor of The Lion of Judah Church, of New Orleans. While functioning as a pastor, the Lord placed on my life the mantle of prophet. In 1998, the Lord called me to be a prophet to the nations. Why am I writing all this? Surely not to boast, but to explain what God is doing new in my ministry. The I Am Who I Am CD falls into the equipping function. It encourages and equips the church. It follows under the office of the apostle, not the prophet, which I have moved in for a very long time. It is a time of wonder and excitement to see what the Lord is doing in this hour. Maybe the Lord is calling you into a new realm you have never traveled before. The days of the super-man, one-man-show preachers are fading away; the church as a whole is rising up to the battle cry of the Lord. This is not to say, we all are called to walk in the Five-Fold Ministry, but that God wants to break us out of our self-imposed boxes and help us soar to new heights for His Kingdom and Glory.
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts and though all its parts are many, they form one body (1 Corinth 12:12, NIV).
God gave us many confirmations concerning the prayer CD--- before and after it was recorded. In February we went to Texas to make the CD. Before we left, the Lord showed me it was going to be on the Names of God. I always pray using the names of God. But there was one name I had stopped using because a question on the pronunciation---it was Jehovah-Ishi. Years ago, a minister said this was being pronounced in the feminine form. The day before we left to go make the CD, the Lord gave me a dream. In the dream, I was telling this lady how I felt about the Lord. I said, “just as you call your husband honey and darling to show your affection and love that’s how I am with the Lord. Just the way your husband has so many names---husband, father, friend, and sweetheart. This is all God is to me, and one of His names is Jehovah-Ishi (the Lord my Husband).” When I woke up I knew God wanted His names on the CD.

Furthermore, after it was recorded the Lord gave me three other confirmations about the CD and the dream about the five pearl rings. Firstly, I received a pearl ring from Sis. Jeanie, a good friend. The second happened when I arrived at Dr. Clarice Fluitt’s Church. As I entered the building, the banner hanging on the wall said, “I Am who I Am.” The third confirmation happened after I gave the CD to Pastors Dale and Diane Hunter as they left for their hotel on a break from Dr. Clarice’s conference. (Spelling of Names?) Deborah a woman who works with them came back and said, “The Lord told me to give you something.” As she placed a bracelet on my wrist, she said, “We listened to your CD and the Lord told me to give you this.” Deborah makes prophetic bracelets and the Lord told her to make me one of pearl and put for the inscription, “I Am Who I Am”. God is so Awesome! He never ceases to amaze me. “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!” (Psalm 107:1, NIV).

Prophet Barbara Jimenez
Gateway Ministries International
P.O. Box 3427 ~ Gretna, LA 70053

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